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3799 days ago

hi! I'm jas, a '01 liner, uses she/her pronouns, lives in singapore, can speak english and chinese and some korean and thai and dialects, and my mbti is infj-t... See More






Source: Jas Corp.

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魔道祖师grandmaster of demonic cultivation墨香铜臭
天官赐福heaven official's blessing墨香铜臭
二哈和他的白猫师尊husky and his white cat shizun肉包不吃肉
伪装学渣Fake Slackers木瓜黄
全球高考global university entrance examination木苏里
绝地求生awm: pubg慢慢何其多
迪奥先生Mr Dior绿野千鹤
杀破狼Sha Po LangPriest
人渣反派自救系统scum villian's self saving system墨香铜臭
黄金台Golden Stage苍梧宾白
瞎娘娘The Blind Concubine洗泥
破云breaking through the clouds淮上
花花遊龍hua hua you long星宝儿
小蘑菇Little Mushroom一十四洲
地球上线the earth is online莫晨欢
两只公蚊子的故事story of two male mosquitos奶小寧
死亡万花筒kaleidoscope of death西子绪
我靠么么哒通关逃生游戏i rely on kisses to clear survival games啾咪啾咪兔
千秋Thousand Autumns梦溪石
默读Silent ReadingPriest
飞鸽交友须谨慎you've got mail: a cautionary tale黑蛋白 
南禅Nan Chan唐酒卿
天涯客faraway wanderersPriest
狐妖修炼指南fox demon cultivation manual风歌且行 
将进酒qiang jin jiu唐酒卿 
定海浮生录Dinghai fusheng records非天夜翔 
乱世为王to rule in a turbulent world非天夜翔 
女将军和长公主female general and eldest princess请君莫笑 
当年万里觅封侯those years in quest of honour mine慢慢何其多 
哑奴Silent Lover羌塘 
帝王攻略di wang gong lue语笑阑珊 
铜钱龛世Copper Coins木苏里 
论如何错误地套路一个魔教教主the wrong way to a demon sect leader一只大雁
俘虏War Prisoner梨花烟雨 
明日星程Star Around The Sun金刚圈
漠上寒沙Cold Sands牧云岚卿
经久Salad Days静水边 
不准跟我说话!Don't Talk To Me!三千大夢敘平生 
网恋翻车指南guide on how to fail at online dating酱子贝 
六爻Liu YaoPriest 
妻为上The Wife Is First绿野千鹤 
反派有话说the villian has something to say莫晨欢 
最爱你的那十年the decade of deep love无仪宁死 
烈火浇愁lie huo jiao choupriest
过门guo menpriest 
不知将军是女郎didn't know general was female不谢梅+荣青 
破云2吞海tun hai淮上 
你的距离your distance公子优 
你是不是喜欢我don't you like me吕天逸 
土匪攻略the bandit's strategy语笑阑珊 
残次品Can Ci PinPriest 
锦瑟Jin SePriest 
黑天black sky木苏里 
不要在垃圾桶里捡男朋友don't pick up boyfriends from the trash bin骑鲸南去
FOG[电竞]FOG [e-sports]慢慢何其多 
组书店老板the rental shop owner轩辕悬 
学渣同桌不需要安慰my underachieving seatmate doesn't need any comforting龙柒 
一剑霜寒a sword of frost语笑阑珊 
飞鸥不下flying gulls never land回南雀 
每天都要防止徒弟黑化The Daily Task of Preventing My Disciple from Turning to the Dark Side黑猫睨睨 
北京故事Beijing story同志 
丧病大学zombie university颜凉雨
罪恶号列车a train named evil江亭 
主角每天都想攻略我Every Day the Protagonist Wants to Capture Me青端 
在恐怖片里当万人迷[快穿]To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie姜之鱼
可爱过敏原lovely allergen稚楚 
这个Omega全异能免疫This Omega is Immune to All Abilities青梅酱 
我喜欢你的信息素I like your pheromones引路星 
这题超纲了beyond the outline木瓜黄 
没钱离婚No Money to Divorce首初 
惊悚练习生thriller trainee妄鸦 
营业悖论Fanservice Paradox稚楚 
穿成囚禁男主的反派要如何活命How to Survive As a Villain伊依以翼 

other interests: laser, linkclick